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Morning Strength - Mato Grosso


《Pan Flute Wind》— Morning Strength

音乐人: Mato Grosso


发行公司 Azzurra Music, S.R.L.

地区:Brazil 巴西


1Morning Strength  

2 Free Spirit   

3 Venere Mirror   

4 Wind   

5 Goodmorning World    

6 West Rat Race   

7 Gadir   

8 Flay on the Sea   

9 Man of Hope   

10 Sciuveki   

11 Amazon Dance  

Mato Grosso简介 

Mato Grosso 一词原为「茂密的树林」,代表早期美洲印地安自然文化,也象征一种异于传统印地安音乐的特殊风格:自然、深邃、细腻,源源不绝的传承力。在这个以排笛和吉它为主的小型乐团中,除了印地安及南美传统乐器外,还加入了小提琴、鼓、电吉它等现代乐器;古老旋律结合new age编曲,不论是震撼人心的击点鼓奏,或是雨林深处的鸟鸣与潺潺水流,Mato Grosso的音乐呈现出焕然一新的灵性面貌,也奠定了他们在新世纪乐坛无可取代的独特地位

Mato Grosso的档案

A band named after a state in western Brazil, Mato Grosso proved itself to be a welcome addition to the Brazilian pop scene withBrasiliero(which the Philly-based Cross Currents Music reissued in the U.S. in 1997). Interestingly, none of band members still live in Brazil -- rather,Grossois comprised of Brazilians who live in Vienna, Austria. Led by founder/percussionist/producer Claudio "Fraze" Rodrigues,Grossobrings appealing jazz sensibilities to such lively yet melodically rich pop-samba as "Festa Na Floresta," "Cunhatai" and "Alo Brazil." On "Couvert," Rodrigues shows us how compatible jazz-influenced Brazilian pop is with a reggae beat. Another name worth noting is that of lead singer Marcelo Onofri, who is blessed with both charisma and an impressive range.(虾米音乐)

